
Another from Dallas Nov. 1997. This, more than anything, is what inspired me to do this website. Someone put on a comic book convention in  Dallas and even though it was kind of small, and was actually in Mesquite which, even though they have more than 100,000 people in the town and is right next to Dallas, has no bus service because they can only charge 8.25 or 8.5% sales tax and they'd rather use their tax money on some convention center instead of the public which isn't as bad as Arlington which has 250,00 people and no buses but I digress - Anyway, even though Dallas sucked in so many ways (the heat & humidity were terrible but no one acts like it's a problem. Phoenix knows it's hot, so you can buy bottled water all over the place, but Dallas? Forget about it) and I had to walk a mile to the damn convention, seeing Supergirl in the flesh made it all worthwhile. The con organizer hired women to portray Supergirl, Black Cat, Lady Death, Razor, Witchblade (in the red dress) and Shi. They looked pretty good, too. But I didn't have a good camera back then, unfortunately. I just have some Polaroids. So I'm using scans of the 3x5's they had for sale.